© Jorge Rocha


Gift? Healing? Opportunity? What do they talk about? In which country do they live? In a country where the elite manufactures the ideas in fashion, idiots repeat them, politicians enforce them and victims accept.
in the Expresso Newspapper, May 14, 2011, Primeiro Caderno, Daniel Oliveira
Cadence is a performative action based on Jorge Rocha’s research about articles published in the Portuguese newspaper Expresso in the first semester of 2011, focusing on several codes related to the situation that the country is facing, in an experimental artistic approach to media messages.
It is a sequence that starts from the artist’s interest about the performative universes of the concrete action of cooking and its connections with the Digital Culture, integrating in this case messages that let us discuss political aspects of Portuguese culture.
This action will be held at Espaço Cultural do Teatro Experimental de Lagos, also integrating a digital presentation as online streaming.
Cadência was developed under the PRALAC – Anual projects in the LAC- Laboratório de Actividades Criativas and has the support of Xerem and Teatro Experimental de Lagos

Jorge Rocha is an independent artist and producer who seeks to establish connections between different artistic fields, proposing a cross-disciplinary approach to contemporary art.
He graduated from the Escola Superior de Artes e Design das Caldas da Rainha with a degree in Visual Arts, and worked as an exhibition producer at the Centro Cultural de Lagos, between 2005 and 2008. The projects which he has produced include: Zoologia dos Trópicos: obras de Nelson Leirner e Jorge Dias; Laccobriga: a ocupação romana na baía de Lagos and Mundos Locais: espaços, visibilidades e fluxos transculturais within the scope of Allgarve08.
In 2005, he became an artist in residency at the LAC (a cultural association in Lagos), where he created the performance Procedimento Administrativo. This work was presented within the scope of Expoarte Contemporânea, which took place in Mozambique at the National Art Museum in Maputo, and at the CINEPORT festival in João Pessoa, Brazil.
In 2009, he produced the project Underconstruction de Mónica de Miranda e Paul Goodwin, undertook experiments in Portugal for Ricardo Basbaum’s project NBP-Novas Bases para a Personalidade, and took part in the “Sansa International artist’s workshop” in Kumasi, Ghana, within the scope of the Triangle Arts Trust. In 2010 he directed the film “Escrito nas Telhas (Written on the tiles)” integrated in the Festival Ver e Fazer Filmes-Cineport Edition held in Cataguases, Brazil.