Loulé, 11 NOV

8100 Café - Parque Municipal de Loulé / Thu 11 NOV 18h30 + 20h30
Sound Performance / 40' / M12

Info and reservations: info@festivalveraoazul.com
963 579 289 / 924 009 234

40% Music / 30% Autonomy / 30% Enjoyment

Curated from a Call to local artists who have participated in Verão Azul‘s Artistic Training Program in 2020.

Two musicians are physically separated in the same space. They could be together, but aren’t. They are back to back. A punishment? We don’t hear anything. Each of them emits a frequency that the other can hear.

The public is asked to tune in their frequencies, or a third one, broadcasting the sum of the two, creating a triangle of omissions and communications. 3 choices. When you choose one, 2 are left out. Nothing is repeated or replicable. Everything is possible, nothing is assured.

Co-creation: Flávio Martins and José Jesus
Performance: José Jesus and Miguel Neto
Critical Approach: Miguel Bonneville

Flávio Martins has made noise and many other things. He came back to his hometown Faro after being away for twenty years. He still makes noise and many other things.

José Jesus used to lipsync to Rui Veloso with a wood guitar before he learned to play a real one. He is a visual artist and musician. He was born in Faro, where he lives and works.