© Pauliana Valente Pimentel


Museu Municipal de Faro / Antigas Carpintarias
Sat 20 NOV 16h00

FREE ADMISSION upon reservation
90' / M6
40% Clarification / 40% Political / 20% Interaction

Pauliana Valente Pimentel will guide us through the narrative in her photographic installation.
The visit will end with a talk about this community’s particular way of life, usually considered so different and unstable, leading us to even dismiss it as a viable possibility within our society. The Roma community then is urged to either integrate or disappear, to become invisible.

Modern society does not understand it and therefore this community is seen in the worst possible light. According to great theorists, the main cause for wars is our lack of understanding the Other, our inability to exercise Otherness; instead, we constantly demand that they do everything to belong to what we are. In this demand for integration, part of the soul of a more fragile, nomadic, culture is lost.

Guests: To be announced

Faro-Oeste is a project commissioned by Festival Verão Azul.

Production: casaBranca
Partnership: Câmara Municipal de Faro / Museu Municipal de Faro
Exhibition project: Pauliana Valente Pimentel
Exhibition’s Assemble: Angelo Gonçalves
Co-production: Teatro das Figuras, Cine-Teatro Louletano / Câmara Municipal de Loulé
Institutional Partner: Programa Garantir Cultura – Entidades Artísticas, República
Portuguesa – Ministério da Cultura

Acknowledgements: My sincere thanks to the entire team of Verão Azul, especially Joana Duarte, my tireless field assistant, without whose help this work would have been far more difficult. Thanks also to Gil Silva (Teatro das Figuras) and Paulo Pires (Cine-Teatro Louletano / Loulé City Council) for putting me in contact with the professionals who work daily to support the people who live in these camps.
Thanks to the Municipal Museum of Faro and its Director, Marco Lopes, for hosting this exhibition.
A big thank you to the Lusco-Fusco project (ECOS -Cooperativa de Educação, Cooperação e Desenvolvimento, CRL), to the António Silva Leal Foundation (Projecto Centro Comunitário Horta da Areia) and to the António Aleixo Foundation (Projecto Caminhos), and in particular to its coordinators and instructors: Aurora Coelho, Cláudio
Garcia, David Fernandes, Catarina Novaes and Marilita Santos.
Finally, to the Elders of the camps, who trusted me and gave me permission to photograph.