© Diogo Jesus


Auditório do Solar da Música Nova (Meeting Point Loulé)
Sat 19 OCT 23h30

MUSIC / 30' / M6 / Free Admission

A journey through hip-hop’s more classic and more modern sounds. Mixed themes and diverse beats presented on solo show by the Portuguese rapper Russa.

Russa officially started her career as a rapper in 2017 when her first mixtape was released. However, her first poems were written in 2014.
The Portuguese rapper got more attention drawn to her in 2018 when she dropped one of the first conscious trap albums in the country. She was then invited to interviews on national media such as Vogue or SIC Radical.
Her music plays on local and national radios and she’s been performing on stages across the country.
This year she already released one mixtape and one EP.
Russa also got 2 awards which distinguish her music nationally (Novos Talentos FNAC 2019 and Artista Revelação do Prémio Mimo de Música 2019).