Verão Azul is a portal

Rick and Morty are sitting on a strange planet, surrounded by alien sculptures and bizarre creatures. The portal gun is still glowing on the ground. A holographic screen displays the “Verão Azul Festival” logo.

🧪 Rick: Burp Alright, Morty, they’re organising this artsy festival, and they wanna kick things off with a David Lynch quote. They’ve got two options:
👉 “Ideas are like fish. If you want to catch little fish, you can stay in the shallow water. But if you want to catch the big ones, you’ve got to go deeper.”
👉 “You know, I wake up every morning and think – today is gonna be another weird day.”
Which one you think works best, huh?

🧑‍🎤 Morty: Uhh, Rick, I don’t know… Which one makes more sense for a festival?

🧪 Rick: Well, if they wanna go all deep and philosophical, like “oooh, look at me, I’m an enigmatic genius,” they go and pick the former. If they just wanna say “the world is weird, now deal with it,” they’ll go with the former. Burp

🧑‍🎤 Morty: But… It’s a Festival called Verão Azul (Blue Summer).

🧪 Rick: Ahhh, well, that settles it then, Morty! They’ll take the first quote, toss people into a metaphorical pool, and wait and see who can swim!

Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.

🧑‍🎤 Morty: Do you think that’s a fair tribute to David Lynch?

🧪 Rick: Of course! Lynch is like some cosmic chef, throwing together some random ingredients to make a movie that tastes like a nightmarish salad. If this festival wants to capture that energy, they’ve gotta embrace the unknown, and realise that fearing the absurd is just fearing reality itself.

🧑‍🎤 Morty: And do you think that reflects today’s world? Like, the political and social contexts?

🧪 Rick: Burp. Obviously! We’re drowning in data, algorithms, predictions, with social media telling us what to think… Mystery is dying, Morty! This Festival has to be like a shock to people’s brains! They need to realise they don’t have all the answers, and that the world is way weirder than they think!

🧑‍🎤 Morty: But… what if people don’t know how to swim?

🧪 Rick: Then they’re gonna have to learn, Morty! The unknown isn’t a water park with safety floaties! The Festival should make people realise that the fear of drowning is part of the whole experience! Maybe going down is the first step into realising you can breathe underwater… metaphorically speaking.

🧑‍🎤 Morty: The Festival’s subtitle is “The more you look, the more you see.”

🧪 Rick: Ughhh, Morty, that sounds nice, but it’s also kinda obvious, isn’t it? Like, of course if you look closer, you’ll see more things – duh! But does seeing mean understanding? Society today stares at everything and sees nothing! The Festival could play with that idea – that the further you look, the more you understand you have no clue of what you’re looking at?

🧑‍🎤 Morty: Uhh, Rick, this is starting to feel like a David Lynch thing…

🧪 Rick: Burp Exactly! Lynch forces you to look at the shadows, at the stuff that makes you uncomfortable. People want easy answers, things to make immediate sense. But life doesn’t work like that, Morty, and neither should art!

🧑‍🎤 Morty: Hmm, what if we talk about the fringes of experience?

🧪 Rick: Now you’re thinking, Morty! Burp, the world wants us in the center, following rules and consuming clear-cut information. But real experience is at the edges, where things start breaking down and nobody is certain of anything! The Festival should be where people feel a little bit lost… Because guess what? The only way to find something new… is to get lost first!

🧑‍🎤 Morty: But Rick, what about artificial intelligence? With technology today, is that kind of fringe experience even possible?

🧪 Rick: Of course it is! Machines wanna be predictable, but Art has to be a glitch in the system! AI makes everything look neat, efficient, and fast – but it’s in the mistakes, the bugs and the failures that things get really interesting. If the Festival wants to work with AI, they should do it in a chaotic way, by embracing failure and the unexpected! Like… what if we trained the algorithm to make art and then let it go completely insane?

🧑‍🎤 Morty: The Festival’s artists are already doing that, Rick! They’re exploring the glitches, both in technology and humanity!

🧪 Rick: That’s perfect, Morty! The festival shouldn’t just show art – it should be a failure lab! Let’s embrace uncertainty, dive into the unknown, and enjoy the ride!

🧑‍🎤 Morty: Ugh, Rick… sometimes all of this feels like too much for me…

🧪 Rick: Burp Relax, Morty! Just enjoy the Festival, try not to overthink it, and remember that the more you look… the more you realise you’ll never fully understand anything.